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Dear Fellow Parents,

On behalf of the Woodcliff Lake Education Foundation (WCLEF), welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year.  We hope that you and your families have had a wonderful summer.  

For those of you unfamiliar with the WCLEF, we are a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit foundation whose mission is to help bridge the gap between the budget our schools receive from the government and what our schools need to thrive.  We do this by funding grant requests from teachers and the administration.  The most recent example is the Dorchester Technology Grant the WCLEF completed last summer and also this summer.  These grants enable every 3rd through 5th grader to have their own Chromebook at school and put 10 iPads in each kindergarten and first grade classroom to allow teachers to customize what students are learning during station time.  As a result of these grants (and several previous WCLEF grants including 2nd grade iPads), our students in grades K through 5 at Dorchester have the optimum level of technology to enhance their learning!  

Typically, the WCLEF funds these grants through 3 major events, the Charity Golf Outing, the Winter Dance, and the Run for Education.  This fall, our Run for Education will be held in person on October 6th (check out Facebook, Instagram, and www.wclef.com for more details) and we will schedule a few other events over the course of the year.

To do all this, we need your support – not only by participating in our events, but more importantly, by joining our team of volunteers.  Joining is easy - we meet once a month (in-person and virtual) on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm (the first one of the school year is September 18th) in the Woodcliff Middle School media center.  The meetings are usually about an hour to an hour and a half and include an update from one of the members from the school district’s administration team (which includes insights and details about our schools you might not hear otherwise).  

While the time commitment might be small, the impact you can leave on our schools, our community, and our children is huge.  As part of the WCLEF, you will have the opportunity to review, improve, and vote upon all grant requests that we receive  - essentially you get a say in how we spend the money we raise in our schools – what could be more powerful than that?  

Please reach out to us with any questions, or details about our meetings at info@wclef.com. Lastly, and most importantly, thank you for your support!

Warm Regards,

Sara LaMotta      
Sara LaMotta
President, WCLEF